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Дом на колесах своими руками
Environmental Intelligence: How AI Helps Businesses Save Money and Save the Planet
XI Congreso Mexicano del Asfalto
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Clinging to the assumption that only dictatorships start military conflicts, proponents of democratization believed that the global success of their project would usher in a world without war. But this theory lacks a sound foundation and has produced one disaster after another when put into practice. Only two countries in recent history have had such world-transforming ambitions: Britain and the US. In the last years, these are the only two countries whose power — hard and soft, formal and informal — has extended to all parts of the world, allowing them plausibly to aspire to the mantle of Rome. Embracing that role, America has been an evangelist of democracy, and a central US foreign-policy objective since the fall of communism has been to promote its spread — sometimes by regime change, when that is deemed necessary. He thereby added an internal political rationale for economic sanctions — spreading democracy — to the external political goal that…European advocates of sanctions have aimed at: inter-state peace.

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Дом на колесах своими руками — МозгоЧины
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How AI Helps Save Money and the Planet | U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce
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Russian-English Explanations | PDF
XI Congreso Mexicano del Asfalto - Escudero

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